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July Employees of the Month: Jeremy Burnette

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After years in the refractory industry, Jeremy Burnette is loved by everyone that he encounters.  His strong work ethic, positive attitude in the face of work place challenges, and his contribution to teaching young tradesmen has made a substantial impact on many. Congratulations Jeremy on being Employee of the Month.

1. How long have you worked with Schad?
4 Years.

2. What is your favorite part about your job?
The guys that I work with.

3. Who at Schad has taught you the most?
On a day-to-day basis I learn something new from everyone.

4. What do you think contributes most to a safe work environment?
Communication and teamwork.

5. What lessons have you learned while working at Schad?
Never book your return flight in advance!

6. What advice do you have for future Schad candidates?
Show up on time, give an honest days work, and keep an open mind to the ideas of the workers around you.

7. What do you like to do outside of work?
Grilling food and cutting the grass.

8. If you could learn anything, what would it be?
Speak another language.

9. If you could go to one concert, past or present, which would it be?

10. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
Buy lunch for my co-workers, book my return flight, and spend the rest of my time with family.

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