Rod Gross, Jr., is January’s employee of the month because of his versatile skill set and his willingness to intervene when it comes to safety. He is not afraid to speak up when he see’s something wrong and is always looking out for his fellow workers. In 2022, Rod won Schad’s S.A.F.E. award two quarters in a row for having proactive safety interventions. His attention to detail, safety, and ownership of the projects he is on makes him a great asset for the Schad team.
1. How long have you worked with Schad?
I started with Schad September 20, 2002.
2. What is your favorite part about your job?
The paycheck.
3. What do you think contributes most to a safe work environment?
4. What lessons have you learned while working at Schad?
I have learned a lot of lessons throughout my time at Schad… too many to list.
5. What advice do you have for future Schad candidates?
Keep quiet and pay attention.
6. What do you like to do outside of work?
Not work!
7. If you could learn anything, what would it be?
How to read braille.
8. If you could go to one concert, past or present, which would it be?
Marvin Gaye.